Opti helps you save smarter. Increase returns, lower fees and get help making the right decisions.
- Fund portfolio adapted to your financial goals.
– About half the fee compared to a regular fund [1].
– Based on Nobel Prize-winning research made available with modern technology [2].
- Honest asset management, without conflicts of interest.
– Higher return at lower risk thanks to optimal diversification.
- Takes care of itself, as soon as you start it.
– Avoid behavioral mistakes. Opti gives you tips on how to think and act, for example when the stock markets are worried.
- Take the test and get a free proposal for funds that suit you.
- Open one, or more, ISK accounts.
- We ensure that you continue to have the best funds and make 1.6 million calculations daily on approximately 7,000 funds.
- We take home profits and reinvest for you.
- We rebalance your savings every quarter so that you always have the right level of risk.
- Annual follow-up to adjust the level of risk in your savings.
- 100% independent from banks and fund companies, Opti works for you!
- Free deposits and withdrawals, deposit guarantee, investor protection and BankID.
- You get the commissions: 40% discount on the funds, on average
- Sustainable and affordable funds are chosen
- Gives you an overview of your entire fund savings, at all banks and fund companies.
- Clear, independent health check of, for example, the fee level of each fund.
- Personal insights and suggestions for improvement.
• Svenska Dagbladet: "SvD gives Opti the thumbs up." (five in grade)
• Bloomberg: "Opti gives you a customized fund portfolio."
• Breakit: "Opti first to get the OK from the Financial Supervisory Authority for digital advice."
• Dagens Industri: "Opti should steer small savers away from bad funds."
• Dagens Nyheter: "Advice from robots challenges banks."
…and many more.
• We are completely independent and do not accept money from the industry.
• We have permission from and are supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (institute ID 35277).
• We were disappointed bank customers ourselves and therefore started Opti. To make it better, to make it right, to make it honest. Join the journey with you!
Your savings are covered by the government's Investor Protection and the Deposit Guarantee. Opti uses Mobilt BankID to protect all information about your savings. All your information is subject to bank confidentiality and ALWAYS stays with us.
If you want to read our complete user agreement, it is here: http://www.opti.se/anvandaravtal
If you have any questions about us, what we do or simply want to say hello, please write to hello@opti.se.
Onwards and upwards!
//The Opti team
Risk information: Remember that historical appreciation is not a guarantee of future appreciation. Funds can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will get back the entire deposited amount.
Optise AB
Vasagatan 15
111 20 Stockholm
[1] According to the AMF, the average annual fee for all equity funds in Sweden was 1.53% in 2022. Opti's regular portfolio with the most shares (Opti 9) by comparison has a total cost of around 0.70%. Then everything is included.
[2] The "Nobel Prize in Economics", i.e. the Swedish Riksbank's prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel, went in 1990 to, among others, Harry Markowitz for his work with mathematical portfolio theory: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/ economic-sciences/1990/press-release/
[3] Sources:
• SvD: https://www.svd.se/opti--en-valkommen-halsoundersokning
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-15/robots-challenge-banks-in-sweden-s-524-billion-savings-market
• Breakit: https://www.breakit.se/artikel/9730/staffan-persson-satsar-pa-robotradgivaren
• DI: https://digital.di.se/artikel/hennes-robot-ska-radda-sparare-fran-daliga-fonder
• DN: https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/rad-fran-robotar-utmanar-banker/